Superior Marketing, Superior Service…
We can provide superior service and attention to the properties we list. You might find other brokerages simply place a sign on the property, sit back and wait for the customers. We utilize our extensive associate database, prospect lists and other tools to provide direct marketing. Vestuto Real Estate also has a large database of contacts, both other Realtors and buyers who will be notified about your property. This huge pool of buyers can not be reached effectively by traditional advertising methods. We also aggressively advertise the properties in our portfolio. We regularly advertise with large display ads in local newspapers, classified ads and internet advertising. Hands down, the most important thing you can do is to get the information about your home into the hands of buyers.
Other tools include Web site and web advertising, as well as email blasts using several lead sources. Our web site, as well as the sites we advertise on generate high daily traffic, increasing the amount of exposure your property deserves. In addition to the MLS service, which makes properties available to over 40,000 Realtors in our immediate area, Vestuto Real Estate maintains its own website and provides detailed information on line. Every listing also receives an online Virtual Tour, which exposes your home to thousands of buyers.
Hopefully you are aware that commissions are negotiable. We will beat any commissions quoted to you by our competitors and will work with you to negotiate the lowest commission possible. For example we can discuss a flat fee; a dual fee in which you pay a percent if the property is sold with a cooperating broker through the MLS and lower percent if sold only by us.
Contact us for more information:
Vestuto Real Estate
2422 W. Main St. #4B
Saint Charles, IL 60175